Midreshet Lindenbaum
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Where are your students from?

Our students come from the United States, Canada, England, Europe and Australia. Approximately one-half are from outside the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area.  The great majority of our students are yeshiva high school graduates but each year there are some community high school and public school graduates.  Approximately one-third are from non co-ed schools.

Will I interact with Israelis?

There are over 100 Israeli students in the building. Israeli classes are open to overseas students and there are weekly chavrutot with Israelis. We share a Beit Midrash, a dormitory (you can room with Israelis if you wish), a cafeteria and many extra-curricular programs.  

Will you interact with Israelis?  It's up to you - but we guarantee you the opportunity and promise that it's worth the investment on your part.

What about the dorm?

Four students in a suite share an equipped kitchenette (refrigerator, toaster oven, electric burner, utensils) and bathroom.  Students have e-mail and computer wireless access, coin-operated washers and dryers, and an exercise room in the building.  We provide three meals a day when school is in session.  Houseparents and madrichot live in the building.  The dorm is always open (even during vacation time.)


There is a 24 hour a day armed guard at the entrance to the school.  Closed circuit T.V. surveys the building perimeter.  The school will update the students on any change in the security situation.  Different students and parents may have different "comfort zones" and parents' wishes are always respected.


Yes!  Tiyulim in the Golan, the Galil, the Negev and Jerusalem are led by our teachers and include challenging hikes and authentic learning experiences - often with Tanach in hand.  Tiyulim enable our students to acquire a love of Eretz Yisrael and knowledge of our history and heritage.

What happens on Shabbat and Chag?

SHABBAT TOGETHER – (approximately once a month) in the building, in צפת, in a development town, etc.

OPTIONAL SHABBAT – (approximately once a month), with Israeli students, in a kibbutz, in the dorm, etc.

FREE SHABBAT – students spend Shabbat with family or friends, faculty members or Israeli students. We will always arrange home hospitality for you on a free Shabbat and for all the chagim. 

We are together on Yom Kippur, with uplifting tefilla at yeshivot hesder.

Do students have an opportunity for Chessed?

Tuesday afternoon is set aside for Chessed.  The school helps place students in volunteer projects throughout Jerusalem.  Several times during the year we have school-wide chessed projects – e.g. food packaging for delivery to families in need, cemetery clean-up on Har Hazeitim and Chanukah parties at hospitals and old age homes.

You may also choose to have a weekly chavruta with one of the students from our Midreshet Darkaynu program (a program for young women with developmental disabilities).

Where do your students go after their year in Israel?

All of our students continue their education in university, some at Stern College, others at secular universities, typically those with large Orthodox communities, e.g. Columbia-Barnard, Brandeis, University of Pennsylvania, Queens College.  Some students stay with us for Shana Bet and a few students each year continue their education in Israel.

Is Midreshet Lindenbaum a warm place?

Ask our students and alumnae.  They feel at home, they know that they are surrounded by people who care about them and respect them and they know that we are there for them, in and out of the classroom.  Students have access to faculty who do not just teach, but are also available for personal discussions, questions, and just a shmooze.   The administration’s “open-door” policy is not just a slogan but a reality.   Dozens of alumnae ever year take advantage of our standing invitation to return as our guests to live and learn in Lindenbaum during college breaks.  They know they are members of our Lindenbaum family, and always have a home in Jerusalem.  We are proud of the lasting relationships that are a hallmark of Midreshet Lindenbaum